Wednesday 3 October 2007

Little Jimmy Liked to Jump

Here is the film I completed while at the Vancouver Film School in the 3d Animation and Visual Effects Programme. After finishing the one year course, I was selected for the school's Scholarship and got an extra term to polish my animation.

I wrote the poem a couple of years ago and had pupils from Dundee High School in Scotland read it out. All visual elements were created by me with the exception of the monsters texture which was made by my classmate Chelsea Douglas ( an incredible Concept artist and 3d Modeler), the bubbles which were completed by two more classmates Gianfranco Valle and Rommel Shamoun ( both brilliant visual effects artists ) and the water simulation which was created by yet another classmate, Bernhard Kimbacher ( another excellent visual effects artist).

Little Jimmy Liked to Jump can also be viewed on Youtube :

or on my website at

I hope you enjoy !